AMY Notebook demo for DAn

Hi, i'm going to teach you how to use AMY in Python. You can type or edit the code in this box below, or just run it.

amy.send(osc=0,freq=220,vel=1) amy.send(osc=1,freq=440,vel=1)

When you hit play, you should hear two sine waves.

Try changing the frequency and running again.

OK, again!

amy.send(voices=0, load_patch=0, vel=1, note=50)

We reset AMY only from the red button, and Python state carries over cell to cell like a normal notebook. So you can play multiple cells and AMY can play them both simultaneously. We do reset the sample clock to 0 every time you hit play, so you can write code that uses time:

Like this

amy.send(osc=0, wave=amy.PCM, patch=0, time=500, vel=5) amy.send(osc=0, wave=amy.PCM, patch=1, time=1000, vel=5)

If you want to use a more normal Python REPL, do that here but the idea of this is to make a template for a future blog post / tutorial for AMY that is interactive like this.